I apologize for the grainy pictures, but this is what I have. Clients are instructed to relax the belly for the pictures and measurements. You can see the difference in the 2nd picture after the client wore the FITsplint and followed the ReCORE program about 95%. She ended up wearing the FITsplint for just the first 4 weeks because I worked with her in-home and was able to re-measure her separation. After 4 weeks of ReCORE and the FITsplint, her separation was below a 2, so she did the last 2 weeks of ReCORE with out the FITsplint.
Started ReCORE: 6 months postpartum

She has taken care of her ab separation! She has improved her core strength considerably as well. Now…this client did put in the work and the results and core strength improvements are obvious. Almost 3-4" off the waist just from shortening the weak stretched out core muscles. Also her TVA drop   text (a new test I am piloting with my in-home clients) improved from 35 degree drop to 80 degree drop while being able to keep the core engaged (not bulge and keep back in neutral)

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