Program Details

Core progression is important postpartum. Often times women only work on inner core basics postpartum and still have trouble doing harder core exercises. ReCORE 2 will help you continue to get back to full body core exercise strength even with Diastasis Recti. 

Recommended after completing ReCORE and establishing general inner core control, strength and function.

HOW TO ACCESS PROGRAM: Once purchase is made, you may log in to your account and access your program immediately. Shipping does not apply.

Online program purchases cannot be refunded. 



Program Focus

  • Continue to progress core control, function and strength
  • For postpartum women who have completed ReCORE

Program Includes

  • PDF - ReCORE 2 Workout Guide
  • VIDEO - Intro to Ab Sets
  • VIDEO - Drop Test
  • VIDEOS - 6 Workouts/Weeks
  • VIDEOS - 1 Mobility Workout

Program Schedule

Week 7

Week 7

Challenging core control with more resistance. Mini-band and theraband used.
Week 8

Week 8

Slowly increasing level of difficulty. Gym Ball needed
Week 9

Week 9

Progress to more challenging core exercises. Weights, gym ball and mini-band needed.
Week 10

Week 10

Shifting weight to challenge core stability as well as more difficult full body exercises
Week 11

Week 11

Adding some eccentric core exercises. Using theraband and gym ball as well
Week 12

Week 12

Challenging core control with higher impact exercises. Weights and gym ball used



Not just for women with Diastasis Recti.

Celeste Goodson

ReCore Fitness Founder


Rebuild from inner/outer core to full body core control

Frequently Asked Questions

Celeste Goodson

Celeste Goodson Answers

ReCore Fitness founder, pre and post-natal trainer, and ACE Medical Exercise Specialist is here to answer your questions!

Often times women focus on basic transverse ab exercises without gaining much core control back. ReCORE 2 will help women progress in core and pelvic floor strength, function and control

General rule of thumb is 3 weeks post if you can sit and walk pain free with doctors permission (we have a letter you can send your OBGYN or midwife) While you do not have to start this early, if you do ReCORE when you feel mentally ready and that is a few weeks/months later, that is fine! Even if you didn't hear about ReCORE and you are 10 years postpartum, it is not too late to recondition the inner/outer core!

The focus of ReCORE and the FITsplint is to provide the best environment to recondition the core fully to the best of its ability (not promise a diastasis fix) Moms are weak in 4 core areas postpartum. Often times, postpartum programs stick to basic TVA exercises and do not prepare moms for typical gym workouts. Moms need to recondition the core fully (abs, back, pelvic floor, posture, glutes) whether there is a separation or not. Splinting is helpful to a certain point. Once the tissue stops responding, the core is functioning well and is stronger, splinting is NOT needed or helpful anymore. That is why ReCORE is 6 weeks and the FITsplint is only used for 4-6 weeks. Some may need a little longer, but most ReCORE clients can recondition their core well in 6 weeks or enough to understand how to move on to their favorite exercises again and stop splinting.

Yes! Even though there may not be a diastasis..most moms still have a very weak stretched out inner core muscles including the pelvic floor, back, abs, postural muscles that contribute to weakness, belly bulge and malfuntion. By conditioning the inner core correctly and effectively, moms can regain their core strength, shape and function again.

Only if dealing with Diastasis Recti that is still responding (finger width shortening from ReCORE) Women should stop using the FITsplint once the tissue (fingerwidth) stops shortening. Tissue can still continue to tighten and get stronger (along with the core muscles) but the width of diastasis recti may not change.

Mini-Bands (medium or heavy resistance) Weights 10-20 lbs to start Gym ball 55 or 65 cm Small (9") ball (or thick pillow)

We recommend doing the program exercises 4 days a week for 30 minutes each day.

2 reviews
Stephanie T
Your review
Celeste - you've been helping me for over a year. I did a custom PreCORE, ReCORE and now ReCORE 2 online program. I stopped doing ReCORE after I healed and then got some hip injuries. Within a week of using ReCORE 2 and the moboboard, I started feeling 100% with running. Nothing else helps me get back to running as much as your programs. Thank you for all your help!
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Stephanie B
Your review
I had a c-section in January (3rd pregnancy) and used both ReCORE and ReCORE2 and I cannot believe how much stronger I am now! Thanks for putting together some an awesome program!!
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