Started ReCORE: 6 weeks post-partum
Wore FITsplint? YES
Birth History: 2 C-Sections
Client previously did ReCORE before getting pregnant with great results. She did the right exercises during pregnancy. After her 2nd pregnancy she had the lower part of her abs sewn together after the c-section, but the doctor didn't do a complete abdominoplasty. She was still dealing with a 3 fingerwidth separation, so we started working on ReCORE 6 weeks post. I was also able to do some new core strength screening tests...she saw big improvements with those by the end of the 6 weeks!

She made great strides in 6 weeks! She is officially under 2 separation, more FITsplint and she is clear to do typical exercises such as plank variations, pull-ups etc (as long she can engage the core)  She is currently continuing some of the exercises on her own to progress further. We'll keep you updated :)

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