Post-Natal FITsplint
How tight should I wear the FITsplint?
A snug fit is sufficient! The FITsplint does not need to be pulled extremely tight to be effective. Pulling too tight can make the material roll easier, it can also interfere with breathing patterns. You should be able to take normal breaths with the FITsplint on.
My FITsplint isn't staying in place as well as it did before.
Dry skin can affect the silicone. It is recommended to keep the skin moisturized or wipe the silicone with a damp cloth as needed.
Q: Trouble Ordering?
A: Some outdated web browsers may not be compatible with our ordering system. Please use the latest Safari 10 or Chrome browser to order if you are having problems.
Q: Ordering outside of the US or CANADA?
A: If Australia, order from DueSoon or Figure8Maternity. Other countries, order from Figure8Maternity
Q In between Sizes
A: By a size larger. The FITsplint will still adjust fairly small.
Q: My FITsplint isn't staying in place as well as it did before.
A: Dry skin flakes can affect the silicone. It is recommended to keep the skin moisturized or wipe the silicone with a damp cloth as needed.
Q: I've read that I may need to "double splint" if I have a tall diastasis?
A: This a term used by other programs, but we don't feel a woman needs to buy 2 splints to cover more fully from top to bottom. It may make you look slimmer, but isn't necessary more effective at pulling the muscles and tissue close together. The FITsplint fits around the most difficult area to heal (the belly button) The ReCORE exercise program and FITsplint have been successful with women of all shapes and sizes.
Q: Doesn't a support increase pelvic floor pressure?
A: Increased pelvic floor pressure can be caused several ways; by innappropriate use of core muscles and breathing and tight restrictive material such as stiff corsets that squeeze the abdomen considerably and restrict full breaths. The FITsplint provides the same amount of gentle pressure that occurs when a person engages their core correctly or the same amount of pressure that a woman would have if they didn't have diastasis rect or stretched out muscles. Women will learn how to redistribute pressure up off of the pelvic floor with ReCORE.
Q: Who can benefit from ReCORE?
A: Every mom! While splinting is recommended for some, ReCORE is recommended for every mom..even 15+ years post. It is never too late to recondition the inner core muscles and improve activation, coordination, stability, function and strength.
Q: I've heard that wearing a support or splint can make my muscles weaker?
A: If the material was stiff (like a corset) and worn for 24/7 for several months without doing exercises, possibly. But we designed the FITsplint material to be flexible so it does not do all the work of the core muscles and is comfortable through full range of motion.
Q: Doesn't a support increase pelvic floor pressure?
A: Increased pelvic floor pressure can be caused several ways; by innappropriate use of core muscles and breathing techniques and tight restrictive material such as stiff corsets that squeeze the abdomen considerably and restrict full breaths. The FITsplint provides the same amount of gentle pressure that occurs when a person engages their core correctly or the same amount of pressure that a woman would have if they didn't have diastasis rect or stretched out muscles. Women will learn how to redistribute pressure up off of the pelvic floor with ReCORE.
Q: What causes the "Belly Bulge" ?
A: There are several contributors...abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti), stretched out core muscles, weak core muscles, external belly fat, excessive
bloating and internal visceral fat.
Q: Can I just wear the FITsplint?
A: The FITsplint will hold the muscles and tissue in the correct position (similar to taping an ankle) however, the FITsplint is NOT going to strengthen the weak and stretched out muscles. Progressive correct abdominal exercises such as ReCORE need to be done as well.
Q: By doing the ReCORE program and wearing the FITsplint, will my belly fat go away?
A: The best way to lose excess belly fat is by healthy eating habits, cardio and strength training combined. The ReCORE program focuses solely on strength training and reconditioning weak core muscles. Strength training will burn fat, but not necessarily from the area of the body that you would like. Spot reducing is a myth. The main focus of the program is to re-strengthen the abdominal muscles and other core areas (pelvic floor, back, glutes and postural muscles together and progressively.
Q: How is the FITsplint different from other post-natal belly bands, belts or supports?
A: Because of the flexible yet supportive material, the FITsplint does not restrict breathing patterns or range of motion. Some post natal wraps are too tall or too stiff for proper fitting and comfort and provide excessive support and unnecessary restrictive motion to the spine. The FITsplint is purposely shorter to fit inbetween the ribs and hip bones and more effectively pull the outer abs close together without too much compression. The FITsplint has 2 straps and is fully adjustable meaning you will get a secure and proper fit that you need. It is also flexible so you can move through a proper range of motion (stiff supports are for back injuries) The FITsplint's unique design allows material to crossover (splint) without the material overlapping.
Let's be real empty promises, no magic fix on this site.
Q: So what should be my fitness goals postpartum?
A: The focus of ReCORE and the FITsplint is to provide the best environment to recondition the core fully to the best of its ability (not promise a diastasis fix) Moms are weak in 4 core areas postpartum. Often times, postpartum programs stick to basic TVA exercises and do not prepare moms for typical gym workouts. Moms need to recondition the core fully (abs, back, pelvic floor, posture, glutes) whether there is a separation or not. Splinting is helpful to a certain point. Once the tissue stops responding, the core is functioning well and is stronger, splinting is NOT needed or helpful anymore. That is why ReCORE is only 6 weeks and the FITsplint is only used for 4-6 weeks. Some may need a little longer, but most ReCORE clients can recondition their core well in 6 weeks or enough to understand how to move on to their favorite exercises again and stop splinting.