Celeste Goodson
Celeste Goodson, mom of 3, founder of ReCORE Fitness; is an ACE Certified Medical Exercise Specialist & USATF Level 1 Track Coach. Medical Exercise Specialists are certified to train those with musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and metabolic conditions cleared by physicians. Celeste has worked in health and fitness settings for over 22 years; including physical therapy clinics, cardiac rehab, fitness gyms, aquatic therapy and coaching cross country and track. After working alongside PT’s, training postpartum clients in the gym and navigating her own struggles to return to run with prolapse and diastasis recti symptoms; Celeste noticed a need to be more proactive in core/pelvic floor reconditioning early postpartum. Celeste soon found herself helping bridge the gap from PT to high level sport postpartum, and provide more progressive programming.
Celeste has now trained pre/post-natal athletes for the last 18+ years, from recreational to elite and Olympic athletes of various sports. Celeste helps female athletes regain core/pelvic floor function, improve their ability to manage and increase intra-abdominal pressure, increase overall strength and stability and return to high impact such as running, jumping and lifting heavy. Celeste trains athletes online, in-home, and sometimes travels. Celeste also developed the FITsplint (patented maternity/postnatal support) after having difficulty finding a flexible support with motion control for pregnant athletes. It has now been used by Olympic gold medalists and female athletes worldwide.
She developed ReCORE program and FITsplint (patented dual strap maternity and postnatal support) and has trained pre/post natal women the last 16 years, from recreational to elite and Olympic athletes, specializing in helping women regain core/pelvic floor coordination, strength, stability and function, helping them return to running and sports.
Celeste is an avid marathoner, running 12 marathons in the last 15 years, including her favorite Boston Marathon. She also enjoys strength training, playing volleyball and golf.
External loading of common training drills: Ranking drills to design progressive return-to-run programs
Celeste and Aubree helped publish research with Dr. Max Paquette at Univ of Memphis in 2022
External loading of common training drills: Ranking drills to design progressive return-to-run programs
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